If you enjoy the magazine 'Newsweek' you will undoubtably have read the article called 'Rise Of the Real People' in the culture section.
The article talks about the fact that instead of using paperthin models, the fashion industry, or some of them anyway, are finally beginning to understand that real people often don't look like the models you find on the catwalks. With the New York Fall 2008 fashion week commencing soon, the casting agency 'Ugly New York' commented that they have been receiving inquiries about their models, though no confirmed bookings have been made as of yet.
Either way, I hope this is the start of a new era in which people, especially women, and I'm talking about Real women with Real bodies, will be the ones who get the pick of the crop when it comes to designer fashion.
I mean, isn't it about time that society understood that 97% of the population does not 'fit' in with societys' norm!
One magazine in particular that has been striving to help women feel great about their bodies and how they look is Eden & Elle Magazine . The main feature are two photo shoots of real women, photographed in a subtle, sensual way thereby showing the readers that one doesn't have to have a barbie figure to look just as gorgeous as a professional centerfold model.
But the magazine goes beyond the exterior. We all know that if we feel great on the inside, we automatically look better on the outside.
For example, take a bad hair day, if you can't get your hair styled the way you like it best, guaranteed you are not going to feel great when you walk out the door in the morning, and this feeling will most likely stay with you for the rest of the day.
But, when you get home, wash your hair and style it with plenty of time to do so, you will see that as you look in the mirror at the finished result, you will feel much better about yourself, right?
With this in mind, one can safely say all that goes on in our lives, triggers different emotions, some good, some not so good. Though we know this, we don't always know how to handle these emotions, and sometimes blow things way out of proportion due to this.
In the Eden & Elle Magazine, one can find useful articles that can help you change this pattern of thought and ultimately help you enjoy life so much more. Far too often, we forget that we only live on this planet, in this body for a short while and we owe it to ourselves to make this lifetime as pleasurable as possible - don't you think?!