Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rabbit, Rabbit....Where Art Thou ?

A few days ago I watched the movie "What the bleep do we know.......went down the rabbit hole" It's sort of a second part to the original "What the bleep do we know" movie but with people in it that were supposedly excluded the first time around.

I had watched the first movie some time ago, and if I compare them, I feel I got way more out of this second one. It was a little more complicated to understand, what with the technical quantum physics in it, or maybe it wasn't and I am living up to the sterotype cliché of being blonde, either way.... I learned more from "What the bleep...part two"

A certain scene has been going through my mind for the past few days now, and I can't seem to let it go. It's the scene in which Dr. Quantum says, "are we far enough down the rabbit hole yet? " Don't know why, it just seems to be stuck way down in the crevices of my subconcious.

Today, I went through my emails and came across a link to a woman named Leslie Householder. Usually I don't have the time to surf through all the links in all my emails but I felt compelled to click on hers. To my surprise, she has written a book called " The Jack Rabbit Factor", Doinnnng-hallo, anyone home?!

The book was published in 2005 and I'd never heard of it, nor had I ever heard of Leslie Householder until today, yet the 'coincidence' of the word rabbit appearing yet again in such a short period of time put a grin on my face.

The book is now available on her site as a free electronic download and I urge you to do so and read it.

I have many ebooks on my pc collecting cyberdust mainly because I just don't seem to find the time (or most probably they just aren't interesting enough) to read them, but this one......I mean with a title like that you just have to read!

I even read it in one straight sweep. No stopping for toilet breaks, nor coffee breaks, just being drawn into the book, page by page. And boy was it an eye opener. She doesn't talk about earth shattering stuff, she doesn't even really mention anything I didn't know, but its the WAY she writes about it that blew my mind.

If you have seen the movie 'the secret', and if you don't know why your life is not where you want it to be, read this ebook. It won't cost you a dime, but it will bring you out of your comatose state of being, that's for sure.

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