Friday, April 4, 2008

a Jewel for Men AND Women!

When it comes to figuring out why women think, act and say the things they do, many men have given up or have lost their hair trying to find out. It's not that women are complicated human beings, it's that men are......well, sadly equipped to handle the type of intricacy that women are designed with.

This is especially so when it comes to sex.

Although most men know or at least have heard of the fact that women are "thinking" creatures and men are "doing" animals, it hasn't registered with them so far as to actually change their 'tactics' when approaching a women they are interested in. Nor have they been very successful in being able to understand their long time partners or spouses.

But the fault doesn't just lie with men. Women themselves are ingenious at making their lives and everything around them much more complicated than it really should be.

We pride ourselves on being able to multitask, having 'female' intuition (which we don't seem to use very often), being independent and the only sex than can bare children, so why make our lives so ambivalent?

If you have an answer, please.......let me know!

But in the mean time, for men and women who want the opposite sex to know how to get to know them, to be able to seduce them in the way they desire to be seduced, Jewel Feathers has written a book.

In Jewels' book, "How to make HER come!.....What Sex Type Is She?" she explains that there are three types of women when it comes to sexual pleasure. Each type is explained in detail, from what she wears, how she walks and talks to finding out what a certain type enjoys the most between the sheets (or anywhere else for that matter!)

This book isn't only aimed at men, though it is an extremely valuable tool for each and every one of them, be it young, old, inexperienced or 'advanced'. It's also for women, as after having read this book they will know exactly what kind of signals they are sending out to men, good and bad, and can adjust them if they feel the need to do so accordingly.

Now if that doesn't get your blood rushing to certain areas, the following certainly will!

Order a copy of Jewel Feathers book How to Make HER Come!.....What Sex Type Is She?, through the link below, and you will automatically be entered to take part in a competition with cash prizes with the 1st prize, a trip to Paris, France for 2 persons!

So you can evolve your romantic skills, get the woman or man of your dreams and then celebrate your love in the most idyllic city in the world.

Just click here : "How to Make HER Come!...What Sex Type Is She?"

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