Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Waxing and no I don't mean your snowboard!

Hey Galpals!

Most of you prefer to remove the hair from under your arms, legs and even your bikini area, I second that motion. However, as the saying goes in Dutch "She who wants to be beautiful, must suffer", that rings very true when it comes to waxing.

I myself have up till now, been a real coward when it comes to wax. For years I have used a razorblade for all my unwanted hair, and still today I use it to shave my legs. But, the future for my bikin area is about to change. Ladies.............I am to have my very first brazilian bikini wax this coming saturday.

Am I nervous? You betcha! Yet I really have come to dislike the daily routine of shaving down there, cutting myself and being left with small unsightly wounds.

The drudging aversion to everyday shaving first set in several years ago when I got so sick of shaving under my arms that I went in search of an alternative method. I came across the then newest form of laser therapy that got rid of unwanted bodyhair.

After collecting sufficient information, I made an appointment and started the laser therapy sessions. They weren't the most comfortable ones as the light of the laser causes "twangs" of pain, like someone continuously snapping an elastic band on your skin, but the results were and remain wonderful. I had eight sessions and they were at certain intervals due to the way the hair grows, making it important not to miss any session, for the time period of getting rid of all the unwanted hair would then be extended, but apart from those two minor challenges, I am very happy with my lack of hair under my arms.

As I was so thrilled with the results under my arms, I wished to have the same results for my bikini area, unfortunately, that area has certain limits to where the laser can be used, and the hair down there is of a different coarseness, thereby making it harder, and more painful may I add, to get rid of.

After about ten sessions (you need about twenty at least) and having missed a couple due to an overload of work, I stopped going. I felt the results were not what I had expected, though the beautician had warned me it would take longer than my underarms, I was too impatient to go on.
So, I resorted to going back to shaving with my "state of the art" razorblade.

But now, I am so fed up of standing under the shower each morning, bending my body into several positions just to get the right angle so I minimilize the possibility of cutting myself that I made the waxing appointment.

In fact, now my w-day is almost here, I am actually quite excited about it. I have been surfing the net and have found there are many types of brazilian waxing, from "full monty" to a more subdued "landing strip".

I haven't made up my mind which one I'm going to have done as I think that it will largely depend on how comfortable I feel with the beautician. I mean, its not every day you bare all to a total stranger right?!

So, wish me luck - or send me a couple of advil, it seems I will be needing them :)

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